• hakani@hakani-attorneys.al
  • +355 42240200

Who we are

The Legal Studio “HAKANI & Associates” Ltd

The Legal Studio “HAKANI & Associates” Ltd. was established by Atty. Arben A. HAKANI in the years 1993-94, has an uninterrupted 27 years of experience in the field of legal assistance – legal consulting and legal representation. In terms of age, the experience on all the results it has offered to clients, is listed without hesitation in the most serious and prestigious law firms in Tirana and Albania. The predominant philosophy of the Studio’s activity is that of the

“uncompromising warrior of law and truth”

Its professional level has been constantly increasing, thanks to the combination of the experience of the founder and experienced lawyers, harmonized with the work and desire of a staff selected among graduates with high results in the Law Faculties of Tirana and abroad. The high professional level has been confirmed, as the lawyers prepared and trained by the studio, today work and operate in important positions at public and private institutions, inside and outside the country.

Correctness, seriousness, integrity, public trust, high ethics, professionalism, flexible organizational structure, functional and comfortable facilities for conducting meetings at work, enable the provision of a quality service, effective, in real time and above all productive by this studio.

The figures speaking for us

We do not need to talk about studio achievement.
Some of the indicators below show our successes!


Years of experience


Winning cases


Prestigious clients


Years of experience


Winning cases


Prestigious clients