• hakani@hakani-attorneys.al
  • +355 42240200

Legal Activity of the

Legal Studio Hakani & Associates Ltd

Studio “HAKANI & Associates” is specialized in several areas of civil, administrative, family, labour, protection of fauna and environment, urban planning, hydrocarbons, tax system, licenses, procurement, etc., rights, which are covered with high professionalism.

Investigation and preparation of court files, for the purpose of protection and judicial representation at all levels of the trial, the Constitutional Court and the ECHR, is an important area that the Studio covers in its activity.

Temporary or periodic assistance to natural and legal persons, local and / or foreign, in relation to possible problems within the framework of constitutional specifications, international conventions, laws, action and / or continuous control of legality, within the fields of law that it covers, is the other product that Studio offers.

Consulting, specific legal or professional periodic opinions on various aspects of the law / sub-legal acts in the face of domestic legislation, conventions, the Constitution or concrete problems of clients, is again another product offered by the Studio

Periodic legal assistance services with public entities:

Legal consultant of the Municipality of Vau Dejës, after being announced the winner in the procurement procedures of this institution for the years 2018, 2019, providing professional services in all areas of law that this institution operates and there have been almost unresolved problems. Specifically:

  • Legal assistance and consultancy in drafting contracts (lease, emphyteusis, usufruct, concessions, sale-purchase, etc.) to which the Municipality is a party.
  • Consultation, protection and legal representation in administrative, civil, or criminal litigation, where as a result of the complexity and specific nature of the conflict relationship, the Municipality needed a qualified legal service.
  • Audit in order to identify legal problems that appeared in contracts concluded by the Municipality with other contractors (natural persons, legal, public, private, etc.), in order to improve, regulate or improve them, to avoid possible conflicts, etc.
  • Consulting on draft acts of a legal nature arising as a result of administrative-legal procedures or draft decisions proposed for approval by the Municipal Council.
  • Legal assistance on the status, rights and obligations exercised by the Municipality as a shareholder in public / private legal entities.
  • Legal advice regarding employment relations in the Municipality in accordance with the regulations of the provisions of the Labour Code and of the administrative-legal practices deriving from the legislation on the civil servant.
  • Consulting on the manner of exercising responsibilities and implementation of administrative-legal obligations or procedures in the field of construction, energy, concessions and legalization of informal constructions.
  • Assistance in the proper implementation of administrative procedures in the field of permits and licenses which are an attribute of this institution.
  • Evidence of all types of assets of the Municipality, their division and registration according to the nature, efficiency and use. Putting wealth at the service of the community and the effective and profitable economic goal. Protection and increase of the assets of the Municipality, specification of the nature, borders, surface and destination, by creating special registers with its respective value, for the purpose of administration according to the concepts of local autonomy.

Senior legal professional consultancy and assistance regarding legal regimes of all types of assets (private, state, public, intellectual, etc.) that apply in Albania. Related rights of Albanian citizens, foreigners, with or without citizenship.

Senior legal professional consultancy and assistance regarding the implementation and functioning according to the systems of legal and testamentary inheritance law in Albania, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, and in some American countries.

Legal assistance related to issues in the field of fiscal, tax, customs and labour legislation, for all profitable commercial entities.

Legal consulting to the central and local public administrative organs related to the right of election concerning the improvement of the legislation, execution of right and control of legitimacy according to the Election Code. Representation at the Central Election Commission and/or in front of the Election College for the political subjects

Legal assistance related to the preparation of documentation, following all procedures for registration in the commercial register of domestic and foreign companies, their registration with the tax authorities, obtaining licenses, opening a bank account, etc.

Legal advice to domestic and / or foreign companies regarding the editing and filing of various acts of the governing bodies of the company during its life, such as: statutory changes, capital increase, change of administrator, partners, transfer of shares, liquidation, bankruptcy proceedings and until the deregistration of the company.

Assistance in the privatization of companies with joint capital with the Albanian state partner and local or foreign private partners.

Consulting for obtaining licenses of commercial entities needed for the development of activities in specific commercial fields, etc.

Legal protection, special and general representation of clients, natural and / or legal persons, domestic and / or foreign, in judicial and administrative proceedings at all levels of ordinary trials, in trials for control of legitimacy in the High Court; in the Constitutional Court and up to the European Court of Human Rights.

Specialized consultancy in the field of construction enterprises by providing assistance in securing various administrative acts such as: authorizations, various permits, etc.