• hakani@hakani-attorneys.al
  • +355 42240200

Evaluations / Achievements and Objectives

The results of the above-mentioned qualities and tested by the internal and external market, the high professional and academic values ​​it has offered, have been evaluated by public and private institutions, being selected by:

American and Italian Embassies to protect the interests of citizens in Albania,

Legal Advisor to the Central Election Commission and IFES, 2001 - October 2005,

City Advocate at the Municipality of Tirana 2002-2005,

Legal consultant of the Municipality of Vau Dejës in the years 2018-2019.

Concrete achievements. Another indicator that significantly increases its evaluation in the institutional aspect, is the high quality of representation and defence in all instances of court adjudication in the Republic of Albania, measured by the results of cases won in the amount of 85-90% of them, fact that can be easily evidenced by the control of its processes in the District Courts (civil and administrative) of Tirana, Civil and Administrative Appeal of Tirana, the High Court and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania.


At the core of the Studio’s activity has been and remains the maintenance of professional quality, integrity and correctness. But the studio has enough capacity to increase with new products and services the Albanian market, mainly in private international relations. Also, the market of the right of hydrocarbons, or green and alternative sources, above all the amicable solution of issues are among the objectives of the Studio to be achieved in 2021 and onwards.