Legal Activity of the
Legal Studio Hakani & Associates Ltd
Studio “HAKANI & Associates” is specialized in several areas of civil, administrative, family, labour, protection of fauna and environment, urban planning, hydrocarbons, tax system, licenses, procurement, etc., rights, which are covered with high professionalism.
Investigation and preparation of court files, for the purpose of protection and judicial representation at all levels of the trial, the Constitutional Court and the ECHR, is an important area that the Studio covers in its activity.
Temporary or periodic assistance to natural and legal persons, local and / or foreign, in relation to possible problems within the framework of constitutional specifications, international conventions, laws, action and / or continuous control of legality, within the fields of law that it covers, is the other product that Studio offers.
Consulting, specific legal or professional periodic opinions on various aspects of the law / sub-legal acts in the face of domestic legislation, conventions, the Constitution or concrete problems of clients, is again another product offered by the Studio